Copyright Notice

We understand that legal documents can be tricky to navigate. That’s why we’ve provided this copyright notice in both its official legal form and a plain English version for your convenience.

The contents of this website, including but not limited to text, images, logos, graphics, videos, audio files, layouts, and designs, are the copyright works of Tanmyeh Consulting Limited and are afforded copyright protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the “Act”) and by international conventions.

Permitted Acts
You may carry out the following permitted acts in relation to the copyright works on this website for non-commercial, private purposes only:

Make a temporary copy by viewing the website in a browser or cacheing by an internet service provider pursuant to sections 28A and 28B of the Act.
Print a single copy or allow a computer to render out a graphic for your personal use pursuant to sections 28 and 29 of the Act.
Any other copying, distributing, selling, sharing, renting, broadcasting, making available to the public or otherwise dealing with the copyright works on this website requires the prior written consent of Tanmyeh Consulting Limited. To obtain consent, please contact us at [email protected].

Any permitted use under the Act must be accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement identifying Tanmyeh Consulting Limited as the author in accordance with section 87 of the Act.

While we have used reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, Tanmyeh Consulting Limited makes no warranties or representations of any kind as to its accuracy or completeness. We reserve the right to alter or update the contents at any time without notice.

Unauthorised use of the copyright works may breach applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Act, before the Courts of England and Wales, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

This notice shall be interpreted in accordance with English law.

In simple terms, this is what applies to the stuff on our website:

All the text, images, logos, and other creative content belong to Tanmyeh Consulting Limited. This protection comes from a UK law called the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the “Act”) and international agreements.

What you can do:
You’re welcome to browse the website, download a single copy of something for your own personal use (not for business), or print a single copy.

What you can’t do without asking:
Copying, sharing, selling, or using anything on our website in a way that makes money requires our permission first.
If you’d like permission, contact us at [email protected].

Just to be clear:
We try our best to keep the information on this website accurate, but we can’t guarantee it’s always perfect. We may also change things at any time.

If someone breaks the rules:
Using our stuff without permission might break the law. The Courts of England and Wales will decide these matters.

The final word:
This notice follows the laws of England.